8 research outputs found

    Towards compact bandwidth and efficient privacy-preserving computation

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    In traditional cryptographic applications, cryptographic mechanisms are employed to ensure the security and integrity of communication or storage. In these scenarios, the primary threat is usually an external adversary trying to intercept or tamper with the communication between two parties. On the other hand, in the context of privacy-preserving computation or secure computation, the cryptographic techniques are developed with a different goal in mind: to protect the privacy of the participants involved in a computation from each other. Specifically, privacy-preserving computation allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their inputs and it has numerous applications in various fields, including finance, healthcare, and data analysis. It allows for collaboration and data sharing without compromising the privacy of sensitive data, which is becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. While privacy-preserving computation has gained significant attention in recent times due to its strong security and numerous potential applications, its efficiency remains its Achilles' heel. Privacy-preserving protocols require significantly higher computational overhead and bandwidth when compared to baseline (i.e., insecure) protocols. Therefore, finding ways to minimize the overhead, whether it be in terms of computation or communication, asymptotically or concretely, while maintaining security in a reasonable manner remains an exciting problem to work on. This thesis is centred around enhancing efficiency and reducing the costs of communication and computation for commonly used privacy-preserving primitives, including private set intersection, oblivious transfer, and stealth signatures. Our primary focus is on optimizing the performance of these primitives.Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen kryptografischen Aufgaben, bei denen Kryptografie verwendet wird, um die Sicherheit und IntegritĂ€t von Kommunikation oder Speicherung zu gewĂ€hrleisten und der Gegner typischerweise ein Außenstehender ist, der versucht, die Kommunikation zwischen Sender und EmpfĂ€nger abzuhören, ist die Kryptografie, die in der datenschutzbewahrenden Berechnung (oder sicheren Berechnung) verwendet wird, darauf ausgelegt, die PrivatsphĂ€re der Teilnehmer voreinander zu schĂŒtzen. Insbesondere ermöglicht die datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung es mehreren Parteien, gemeinsam eine Funktion zu berechnen, ohne ihre Eingaben zu offenbaren. Sie findet zahlreiche Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Finanzen, Gesundheitswesen und Datenanalyse. Sie ermöglicht eine Zusammenarbeit und Datenaustausch, ohne die PrivatsphĂ€re sensibler Daten zu kompromittieren, was in der heutigen digitalen Ära immer wichtiger wird. Obwohl datenschutzbewahrende Berechnung aufgrund ihrer starken Sicherheit und zahlreichen potenziellen Anwendungen in jĂŒngster Zeit erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat, bleibt ihre Effizienz ihre Achillesferse. Datenschutzbewahrende Protokolle erfordern deutlich höhere Rechenkosten und Kommunikationsbandbreite im Vergleich zu Baseline-Protokollen (d.h. unsicheren Protokollen). Daher bleibt es eine spannende Aufgabe, Möglichkeiten zu finden, um den Overhead zu minimieren (sei es in Bezug auf Rechen- oder Kommunikationsleistung, asymptotisch oder konkret), wĂ€hrend die Sicherheit auf eine angemessene Weise gewĂ€hrleistet bleibt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Effizienz und Reduzierung der Kosten fĂŒr Kommunikation und Berechnung fĂŒr gĂ€ngige datenschutzbewahrende Primitiven, einschließlich private Schnittmenge, vergesslicher Transfer und Stealth-Signaturen. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf der Optimierung der Leistung dieser Primitiven

    Fuzzy Private Set Intersection with Large Hyperballs

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    Traditional private set intersection (PSI) involves a receiver and a sender holding sets XX and YY, respectively, with the receiver learning only the intersection X∩YX\cap Y. We turn our attention to its fuzzy variant, where the receiver holds ∣X∣|X| hyperballs of radius ÎŽ\delta in a metric space and the sender has ∣Y∣|Y| points. Representing the hyperballs by their center, the receiver learns the points x∈Xx\in X for which there exists y∈Yy\in Y such that dist(x,y)≀Ύ\mathsf{dist}(x,y)\leq \delta with respect to some distance metric. Previous approaches either require general-purpose multi-party computation (MPC) techniques like garbled circuits or fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), leak details about the sender’s precise inputs, support limited distance metrics, or scale poorly with the hyperballs\u27 volume. This work presents the first black-box construction for fuzzy PSI (including other variants such as PSI cardinality, labeled PSI, and circuit PSI), which can handle polynomially large radius and dimension (i.e., a potentially exponentially large volume) in two interaction messages, supporting general Lp∈[1,∞]L_{p\in[1,\infty]} distance, without relying on garbled circuits or FHE. The protocol excels in both asymptotic and concrete efficiency compared to existing works. For security, we solely rely on the assumption that the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) holds in the random oracle model

    Multiparty Cardinality Testing for Threshold Private Set Intersection

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    Threshold Private Set Intersection (PSI) allows multiple parties to compute the intersection of their input sets if and only if the intersection is larger than n−tn-t, where nn is the size of the sets and tt is some threshold. The main appeal of this primitive is that, in contrast to standard PSI, known upper-bounds on the communication complexity only depend on the threshold tt and not on the sizes of the input sets. Current Threshold PSI protocols split themselves into two components: A Cardinality Testing phase, where parties decide if the intersection is larger than some threshold; and a PSI phase, where the intersection is computed. The main source of inefficiency of Threshold PSI is the former part. In this work, we present a new Cardinality Testing protocol that allows NN parties to check if the intersection of their input sets is larger than n−tn-t. The protocol incurs in O~(Nt2)\tilde{ \mathcal{O}} (Nt^2) communication complexity. We thus obtain a Threshold PSI scheme for NN parties with communication complexity O~(Nt2)\tilde{ \mathcal{O}}(Nt^2)

    Post Quantum Fuzzy Stealth Signatures and Applications

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    Private payments in blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have been a topic of research, both academic and industrial, ever since the advent of Bitcoin. Stealth address payments were proposed as a solution to improve payment privacy for users and are, in fact, deployed in several major cryptocurrencies today. The mechanism lets users receive payments so that none of these payments are linkable to each other or the recipient. Currently known stealth address mechanisms either (1) are insecure in certain reasonable adversarial models, (2) are inefficient in practice or (3) are incompatible with many existing currencies. In this work, we formalize the underlying cryptographic abstraction of this mechanism, namely, stealth signatures with formal game-based definitions. We show a surprising application of our notions to passwordless authentication defined in the Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) standard. We then present SPIRIT, the first efficient post-quantum secure stealth signature construction based on the NIST standardized signature and key-encapsulation schemes, Dilithium and Kyber. The basic form of SPIRIT is only secure in a weak security model, but we provide an efficiency-preserving and generic transform, which boosts the security of SPIRIT to guarantee the strongest security notion defined in this work. Compared to state-of-the-art, there is an approximately 800x improvement in the signature size while keeping signing and verification as efficient as 0.2 ms. We extend SPIRIT with a fuzzy tracking functionality where recipients can outsource the tracking of incoming transactions to a tracking server, satisfying an anonymity notion similar to that of fuzzy message detection (FMD) recently introduced in [CCS 2021]. We also extend SPIRIT with a new fuzzy tracking framework called scalable fuzzy tracking that we introduce in this work. This new framework can be considered as a dual of FMD, in that it reduces the tracking server\u27s computational workload to sublinear in the number of users, as opposed to linear in FMD. Experimental results show that, for millions of users, the server only needs 3.4 ms to filter each incoming message which is a significant improvement upon the state-of-the-art

    Multiparty Cardinality Testing for Threshold Private Intersection

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    Threshold Private Set Intersection (PSI) allows multiple parties to compute the intersection of their input sets if and only if the intersection is larger than ????−????, where n is the size of each set and t is some threshold. The main appeal of this primitive is that, in contrast to standard PSI, known upper-bounds on the communication complexity only depend on the threshold t and not on the sizes of the input sets. Current threshold PSI protocols split themselves into two components: A Cardinality Testing phase, where parties decide if the intersection is larger than some threshold; and a PSI phase, where the intersection is computed. The main source of inefficiency of threshold PSI is the former part. In this work, we present a new Cardinality Testing protocol that allows N parties to check if the intersection of their input sets is larger than ????−????. The protocol incurs in ????̃(????????2) communication complexity. We thus obtain a Threshold PSI scheme for N parties with communication complexity ????̃(????????2)

    Batch-OT with Optimal Rate

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    We show that it is possible to perform n independent copies of 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer in two messages, where the communication complexity of the receiver and sender (each) is n(1 + o(1)) for sufficiently large n. Note that this matches the information-theoretic lower bound. Prior to this work, this was only achievable by using the heavy machinery of rate-1 fully homomorphic encryption (Rate-1 FHE, Brakerski et al., TCC 2019). To achieve rate-1 both on the receiver’s and sender’s end, we use the LPN assumption, with slightly sub-constant noise rate 1/mïżœ for any ïżœ > 0 together with either the DDH, QR or LWE assumptions. In terms of efficiency, our protocols only rely on linear homomorphism, as opposed to the FHE-based solution which inherently requires an expensive “bootstrapping” operation. We believe that in terms of efficiency we compare favorably to existing batch-OT protocols, while achieving superior communication complexity. We show similar results for Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE). For our DDH-based solution we develop a new technique that may be of independent interest. We show that it is possible to “emulate” the binary group Z2 (or any other small-order group) inside a prime-order group Zp in a function-private manner. That is, Z2 operations are mapped to Zp operations such that the outcome of the latter do not reveal additional information beyond the Z2 outcome. Our encoding technique uses the discrete Gaussian distribution, which to our knowledge was not done before in the context of DDH

    Laconic Private Set Intersection and Applications

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    Consider a server with a large set S of strings {????1,????2
,????????} that would like to publish a small hash h of its set S such that any client with a string y can send the server a short message allowing it to learn y if ????∈???? and nothing otherwise. In this work, we study this problem of two-round private set intersection (PSI) with low (asymptotically optimal) communication cost, or what we call laconic private set intersection (ℓ PSI) and its extensions. This problem is inspired by the recent general frameworks for laconic cryptography [Cho et al. CRYPTO 2017, Quach et al. FOCS’18]. We start by showing the first feasibility result for realizing ℓ PSI based on the CDH assumption, or LWE with polynomial noise-to-modulus ratio. However, these feasibility results use expensive non-black-box cryptographic techniques leading to significant inefficiency. Next, with the goal of avoiding these inefficient techniques, we give a construction of ℓ PSI schemes making only black-box use of cryptographic functions. Our construction is secure against semi-honest receivers, malicious senders and reusable in the sense that the receiver’s message can be reused across any number of executions of the protocol. The scheme is secure under the ????-hiding, decisional composite residuosity and subgroup decision assumptions. Finally, we show natural applications of ℓ PSI to realizing a semantically-secure encryption scheme that supports detection of encrypted messages belonging to a set of “illegal” messages (e.g., an illegal video) circulating online. Over the past few years, significant effort has gone into realizing laconic cryptographic protocols. Nonetheless, our work provides the first black-box constructions of such protocols for a natural application setting

    Inner Product Masking for Bitslice Ciphers and Security Order Amplification for Linear Leakages

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    Designers of masking schemes are usually torn between the contradicting goals of maximizing the security gains while minimizing the performance overheads. Boolean masking is one extreme example of this tradeo: its algebraic structure is as simple as can be (and so are its implementations), but it typically suers more from implementation weaknesses. For example knowing one bit of each share is enough to know one bit of secret in this case. Inner product masking lies at the other side of this tradeo: its algebraic structure is more involved, making it more expensive to implement (especially at higher orders), but it ensures stronger security guarantees. For example, knowing one bit of each share is not enough to know one bit of secret in this case. In this paper, we try to combine the best of these two worlds, and propose a new masking scheme mixing a single Boolean matrix product (to improve the algebraic complexity of the scheme) with standard additive Boolean masking (to allow ecient higher-order implementations). We show that such a masking is well suited for application to bitslice ciphers. We also conduct a comprehensive security analysis of the proposed scheme. For this purpose, we give a security proof in the probing model, and carry out an information leakage evaluation of an idealized implementation. For certain leakage functions, the latter exhibits surprising observations, namely information leakages in higher statistical moments than guaranteed by the proof in the probing model, which we can connect to the recent literature on low entropy masking schemes. We conclude the paper with a performance evaluation, which conrms that both for security and performance reasons, our new masking scheme (which can be viewed as a variation of inner product masking) compares favorably to state-of-the-art masking schemes for bitslice ciphers